01933 226 707
Wellingborough Estate Agents

Report a repair

From time to time as tenants you may encounter issues which require the attention of a competent professional tradesmen.

If you are renting a property that we manage and have a problem relating to your heating and hot water, plumbing, electrical wiring or appliances, carpentry or any of the fixtures and fittings inside or outside of the property, please register your maintenance issue by completing the form on this page.

A member of our dedicated maintenance team will then revert back to you to keep you updated as to the progress of your repair or maintenance work, and arrange an appointment with a specialist contractor if necessary.

PLEASE NOTE: If the nature of your maintenance issue is extremely urgent then please contact the office on 01933 226 707 immediately.

Out of hours emergency mobile number should you have a maintenance issue of an extreme nature that requires urgent attention: 07432 739628


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